Nuprl Lemma : union-deq_wf 11,40

A,B:Type, a:EqDecider(A), b:EqDecider(B). union-deq(ABab EqDecider(A + B

Definitionss = t, strong-subtype(AB), x:AB(x), P  Q, x:AB(x), left + right, Type, EqDecider(T), b, axiom, t  T, prop{i:l}, sumdeq(ab), f(a), x:A  B(x), P  Q, P  Q, P  Q, x.A(x), <ab>, union-deq(ABab), Unit, False, , void, A, ff, , b, True, eq_bool(pq), i <z j, i j, (i = j), eq_atom(xy), null(as), set_blt(pab), set_le(p), x f y, set_eq(p), grp_blt(gab), grp_eq(g), rng_eq(r), dcdr-to-bool(d), eq_atom{$n:n}(xy), q_le(rs), q_less(ab), qeq(rs), bimplies(pq), band(pq), bor(pq), tt, , p-outcome(p), #$n, case b of inl(x) => s(x) | inr(y) => t(y), if b then t else f fi , inl x , inr x , locl(a), Knd, (x  l), decision
Lemmaseqtt to assert, iff transitivity, eqff to assert, assert of bnot, true wf, bool wf, bnot wf, not wf, it wf, false wf, unit wf, subtype rel wf, deq wf, sumdeq wf, iff wf, assert wf, member wf
